The Long Dark

The fireplaces are filled, and the Xbox Live accounts are active once again here at Island Creek Oysters. We have passed the halfway point of what is known as “The Long Dark” here in oyster town. It really works out well because the new Call of Duty game usually comes out in November, right around the time when it’s too cold and too dark to be outside after work. My roommate’s heated couch is as good as it gets when it’s below 0 celcius, and we now have 2 televisions setup in our living room so we can watch the Bruins and play Skyrim at the same time; multitasking at it’s finest. We are all patiently waiting for the sun to be shining past 4:30pm again so we can get back to the beach and golf course, but until then it’s Xbox and hot chocolate. Well maybe beer instead of hot chocolate.


-Bryan Hoban

Bryan works in marketing at Island Creek Oysters. Follow him on twitter

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